国際交流カフェ International Exchange Cafe *毎月第一金曜日開催
English below↓↓
For people who want to practice languages.
For people who cannot speak other languages but want to do international exchange.
For people who cannot speak other languages but want to do international exchange.
Let’s enjoy chatting in your favourite language, playing card games or board games, doing whatever you like 

If you have a game you want to play with everyone, bring it!
We serve drinks including alcohol!
日程 /Date | 2022年2月3日(金) / 3rd February 2023 |
時間 /Time | 19:00〜21:00 |
参加費 /Fee | 1000円(ワンドリンク付き)/1000yen(1drink included) |
ごはん /Meal | ご希望の方は中町商店街の中華料理店(桃花園)の出前もしくはカレーの日もあります。 / Option:Take out(Chinese restaurant’Tokaen’)OR Curry rice |
駐車場 /Parking | 近くのコインパーキングをご利用ください。 /Please use a coin parking lot nearby |
お問合せ /Contact | ご質問は以下フォームからお願いします。参加にあたってご予約の必要はございません。 /Please contact us with the form below if you have any question. You don’t need to book for joining this event |